Muncie Girls announce farewell tour

One of the most beloved bands to come out of the UK DIY scene in the past 15 years, Exeter's Muncie Girls have decided to officially call it a day and embark on a farewell tour of the UK in November and December of this year.

Says vocalist and guitarist Lande Hekt:

"After nearly 13 years, a demo CD, a demo tape, three 12" EPs, three 7" singles, a 12" split record and two albums, we're saying goodbye to our band Muncie Girls. We started this band when we were 17 and the biggest goal we could muster up was to release a 7" single. We ended up doing more things and going to more places than we could ever have imagined. We were lucky to be from a town with such a brilliant music scene and venue, the Cavern, and I remember how it felt to travel to so many cities and discover other scenes just like ours.

The clutch of five dates will be the trio's first shows since 2021. Don't miss your last chance to see Muncie Girls' enthralling, personally poetic yet endlessly relatable indie punk live for the last time and sing / shout / scream / cry along.


  • 30.11 Brighton, Green Door Store

  • 01.12 Exeter, Cavern

  • 02.12 London, Boston Music Room

  • 07.12 Bristol, Exchange

  • 08.12 Manchester, Gullivers


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