REVIEW: 2000trees Festival, Thursday

Co-written by our Co-Founders, Thom Earle & Kelly Rose

Los Campesinos! by Carla Mundy

Powerful messages feature on Day 1 of 2000trees 2024

One year later, we find ourselves back at 2000trees, the festival where it pretty much all started for The Scene. As the sun rose over the picturesque Upcote Farm, we were reminded of the transformative power of live music and the sense of community that this festival fosters. Day 1 of 2000trees 2024 didn't just bring the noise; it brought powerful messages that resonated deeply with everyone in attendance.

From Shooting Daggers' unapologetic advocacy for queer and women's rights to Los Campesnios! first festival outdoor appearance since 2014, the day was a celebration of diversity, inclusivity, and the unifying power of music. We experienced the raw emotional journey with Meryl Streek, felt the energetic camaraderie of Kite Thief, and got swept up in the nostalgic yet fresh sounds of Movements.

We’re still reeling from yet another unforgettable chapter in the alternative music scene at 2000trees 2024, so let’s dive into the highlights!

The Menstrual Cramps

Bristol’s The Menstrual Cramps are having an incredible year, from spearheading the Bands Boycott Barclays movement that led to Live Nation suspending their partnership with Barclays for the 2024 festival season, to releasing four powerful singles forming their ACAB EP. Although we weren't there to witness their righteous queer punk fury firsthand, from conversations with other festival-goers and the videos we've seen, it's clear their set on the NEU stage was a roaring success. We're eagerly looking forward to catching them later this month at Truck Festival.

Photography by Jez Pennington


Blasting from the Main Stage to open the weekend we were greeted by the sound of Derry’s finest, Cherym, kicking off in the best possible fashion. Despite the illness of bassist Emer, the band was joined by their friend Becca, who filled in on four-string duty. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start the day than with a set filled with stone-cold pop-punk bangers with deeply personal and powerful themes. If their performance on the Main Stage and their brilliant debut album are any indication, this trio has a very bright future ahead of them. Expect to see Cherym higher up on many festival bills in the years to come.

Photography by Jez Pennington

Shooting Daggers

Just when we thought we might miss out, we managed to make it in the nick of time for Shooting Daggers' explosive set. From the moment they hit the stage, Sal’s extra growly vocals grabbed us by the throat—in the best way possible. Her raw energy and powerful delivery were a force to be reckoned with, setting the tone for an unforgettable performance.

One of the standout moments was when Sal addressed the crowd with a heartfelt shout-out: “4 the queer, 4 the women, this is your scene.” It was a rousing call to arms that resonated deeply with the audience, reinforcing the inclusive and empowering spirit that defines the alternative music scene. The band also took a bold political stance, changing the lyrics of one of their songs to "free, free Palestine," which drew an enthusiastic response from the crowd. This willingness to use their platform to speak out on important issues only added to the intensity and relevance of their performance.

Photography by Jez Pennington

Meryl Streek

The NEU stage was bursting at the seams when Meryl Streek took to it, a testament to their growing influence and the magnetic pull of their music. Each song they played was a raw dissection of uncomfortable truths, tackling heavy themes from suicide to homelessness with an unflinching honesty that left the crowd hanging on every word.

Against a backdrop of haunting news recordings, their set felt like a journey through the darker corners of society, each track a spotlight on issues that often remain in the shadows. This layering of real-world audio added a profound depth to their performance, creating an atmosphere that was both chilling and deeply thought-provoking.

One of the high points of their set was their latest single, “Paddy,” which had just been released the week before. The song’s powerful lyrics and intense delivery struck a chord with the audience, encapsulating the very essence of Meryl Streek’s unapologetically honest approach to music.

Photography by Gareth Bull

Knife Bride

Fresh off the release of their single “MELANCHOLIA” and a powerful set at Download, Brighton's Nu-Gothika outfit KNIFE BRIDE generated significant buzz ahead of their performance at 2000trees. Their appearance in The Cave satisfied fans of the heavier side of things with a performance that showcased their distinctive blend of influences—from Spiritbox to Kate Bush. You only have to imagine that KNIFE BRIDE’s stock will rise from here and if you get a chance to catch them live you should jump at it.

Photography by Jez Pennington

Kite Thief

Kite Thief brought an electrifying energy to the Forest stage, truly living their best life as they performed. It's incredible to think that we met this group just a year ago at this very festival. Now, they return to a fervent crowd of animated fans who were more than ready to match their energy.

The atmosphere was palpable as the audience erupted into moshing and crowd surfing—activities not typically seen at the Forest stage. This shift in dynamic showcased the band's ability to ignite a wild, uninhibited party vibe that perfectly captured the essence of festival freedom. Their infectious enthusiasm and the undeniable connection with their fans turned the set into a joyful, high-energy spectacle. 

Wednesday photography by Jez Pennington

Spanish Love Songs

For fans of the band, seeing Spanish Love Songs can often feel like a religious experience. Their heartfelt, emotionally driven blend of punk hits hard and deep, and if 2000trees is anything to go by, the band has added even more followers to their ranks. To say that the Axiom was heaving would be an understatement; it was overflowing, with even the outside edges of the tent packed three or four rows deep. The band duly delivered a set that many headliners would envy cementing their status as one of the best live acts out there.

Photography by Jez Pennington


Movements brought their classic West Coast pop-punk sound to 2000trees, delivering a set that felt like a sunny blast of nostalgia mixed with fresh energy. They kicked things off with their new song, "Afraid to Die," setting the tone for a performance that was both emotionally charged and irresistibly catchy.

The band's tight, melodic riffs and heartfelt lyrics captured the essence of pop punk, creating an atmosphere that had the crowd singing along and dancing with abandon. Movements' ability to blend the familiar with the new made their set a delightful experience, resonating with longtime fans and newcomers alike.

Photography by Joe Singh

Kids in Glass Houses

Not only does 2000trees boast some of the best bands out there, but the food selection is always a highlight of our summer, especially the Sushi Burritos from Happy Maki. While we were waiting for our first sushi burrito of the festival, we managed to catch Welsh pop-rockers Kids In Glass Houses. They returned last year after an almost nine-year hiatus to celebrate their debut album, Smart Casual. Their set at 2000trees showcased why they are so beloved and why there is so much hype from their fans for their forthcoming fifth album, Pink Flamingo.

Photography by Carla Mundy & Gareth Bull

Kid Brunswick

Kid Brunswick delivered a set that felt both heavy and hauntingly ambient, creating a unique and captivating experience at the Forest stage. As the sun set and the woods darkened, their music seemed to merge with the surroundings, transforming the area into an otherworldly wood rave.

Their sound, a compelling mix of weighty beats and ethereal melodies, resonated deeply with the audience. The contrast between the intensity of their music and the tranquil beauty of the forest added a layer of depth to the performance, making it an unforgettable part of the festival.

Photography by Carla Mundy

Los Campesinos!

Playing their first outdoor festival since 2014, Los Campesinos! once again highlighted why they are one of the most important and influential bands to the UK scene, to us personally, and to the current wave of emo-inspired bands. When we heard they were playing 2000trees, it was the cherry on top of a mouthwatering lineup, and their set was one we made sure not to miss.

The Forest served as the perfect and magical setting to take in the band, and somehow all seven members managed to fit with ease on the intimate stage. Throughout the day, I noticed many festival attendees decked out in the band's now iconic Doomed football shirts, and I was not surprised to find the Forest full as many fans took the chance to catch the band in such a unique setting. They were not left disappointed.

The band’s set was filled with classics and a sprinkling of new tracks from their forthcoming seventh album, *All Hell*. They opened with one of the already-released singles from the album, "A Phyrric Wound". The vigour with which fans sang back the lyrics like one of the old classics set the scene for one of the most memorable sets of the festival.

Classics like “Romance Is Boring,” “Knee Deep at the ATP,” and “Straight in at 101” had fans screaming lyrics back with passion. Then there were the UK live debuts of “Feast of Tongues” and closer “0898 HEARTACHE,” which featured a brother-sister tambourine duel courtesy of Gareth and Kim. It was evident that the band was having fun on stage, ripping through their tracks at a lightning pace. Towards the end, frontperson Gareth had extra time to thank those who chose to see them and call out some of his favourite bands on this year's bill.

We hadn’t seen Los Campesinos! since 2016, and honestly, catching their set at 2000trees was worth the wait. Thom was screaming back every word, and it was a complete joy to be surrounded by others who clearly love the band as much as we do.

Photography by Carla Mundy


Although we, unfortunately, missed ALT BLK ERA's set at the Forest stage, the festival grounds were buzzing with excitement from their performance all weekend long. This powerful duo left a significant mark on 2000trees, and it was impossible to ignore the electric energy and enthusiastic chatter surrounding their set.

Their reputation for delivering intense and memorable performances clearly preceded them, and the echoes of their music and message seemed to reverberate throughout the entire festival. Even without witnessing it firsthand, the festival’s collective response told us everything we needed to know: ALT BLK ERA is a force to be reckoned with, and their set was one of the standout moments of 2000trees.

Photography by Gareth Bull


REVIEW: 2000trees Festival, Friday


Gig: Hot Mulligan @ O2 Academy Islington, London