Interview: Hello Mary

Hello Mary by Cooper Winterson

September is set to be a blockbuster month for Hello Mary. The New York City trio—Helena Straight, Stella Wave, and Mikaela Oppenheimer—are not only gearing up for the release of their highly anticipated album, Emita Ox, on September 13 via Frenchkiss Records, but they’re also making their debut in the UK. Their first-ever UK tour will include headline performances and support slots for the iconic American Football, and the excitement is palpable on both sides of the Atlantic.

In a candid Q&A session, the band dives into the making of Emita Ox, their growth as musicians, and the wide range of influences that shaped their new work. From intense recording sessions in Asheville to navigating creative ruts, Hello Mary’s journey is a testament to their resilience and teamwork. As they prepare to light up the UK stage, they share insights into their evolution, the stories behind their music, and the exhilarating adventure that lies ahead.

Can you share the story behind the album title "Emita Ox"? What inspired the name and how does it relate to the overall theme of the album?

HELENA: The title was sort of random, we came up with it at this cafe near the studio where we recorded this album. It was inspired by things that are fun to say and look satisfying written out.

How did the collaboration with Alex Farrar come about, and what was the recording process like in Asheville, NC?

HELENA: We came across Alex while searching for potential producers and really loved his work, specifically on Rat Saw God by Wednesday. The process in Asheville was extremely focused and collaborative. The environment of the studio and the community at Drop of Sun was so much more than we ever could’ve hoped for. I think it has a lot to do with the final product.

You mentioned in the press release that “Three” evokes a fairy tale. Can you elaborate on the vision behind this song and its creative process?

HELENA: Yeah, I wrote that song after being in a creative rut. Stella and I were practising and didn’t have any new material that was satisfactory, so we decided we’d both go home and force ourselves to write a new song or 2. I wrote Three that same week, and it ended up becoming one of our favorite Hello Mary songs to date. The lyrics don’t have a heavy meaning the way that a lot of songs on the album do. I was just writing down random sentences and a visual came to mind and kept unraveling. If that makes sense lol.

What were some of the musical influences that shaped Emita Ox?

HELENA: This album is inspired by so many artists because some of the songs are as old as five years. We also just individually listen to different things and always have. The influence of artists is definitely subconscious at first, but occasionally we will step back from a song and it will become apparent.

The album reflects a period of significant personal and musical growth for the band. How do the songs on Emita Ox capture this evolution?

HELENA: Since some of the songs are 5 years old while others are 6 months old, the evolution is pretty obvious to us. For example, I wrote Everything We Do when I was 15, and it feels juvenile/innocent to me. In a good way. We all experienced and learned so much through our teenage years and Emita Ox is an incredible representation of that.

Could you describe the writing and recording process for the song “0%”?

STELLA: We were just at our practice space jamming and it emerged pretty naturally. We knew we wanted to write something more angular and a bit more cutthroat, so we felt like bass/drum-heavy instrumentation with more intense vocals would achieve that. The vocals were the main thing that evolved in the studio. We figured trying to draw out the shouty vocals into longer screams later in the song would heighten the energy. The vocal takes that ended up in the song were the like the first or second take and the first time I even heard my voice sound like that.

What was the most challenging song to write or record on the ablum?

HELENA: Probably Heavy Sleeper… it was a real fixer-upper. When we recorded it in its original form, which was our typical live band arrangement, it became extremely frustrating. Something just felt wrong. Alex ended up taking the reins on it when we referenced some other songs that might inspire a new route. From there, it was a breeze and we love the outcome.

"Down My Life" is described as a deeply emotional track. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind this song and its recording?

HELENA: Right now, Down My Life is my favorite song on the album. It was one of the songs on the album that we felt extremely confident about before going into the studio. We had a bunch of production ideas, and we loved all our individual parts and the lyrics. I wrote it when I was going through a major shift in my life. I’m not gonna go into detail but I will say that I was 18 years old and I was probably the saddest and most confused I’ve ever been. As many people that age are.

How does Emita Ox differ from your previous self-titled LP in terms of sound and thematic content?

STELLA: It’s definitely more produced and thought out than our previous record. We wanted the last record to be as raw as possible. This one was more focused on using the studio as another tool. I think in terms of thematic content, it’s a bit more emotional, I think a lot more happened in our lives so there was just more to write about.

You have your UK live debut coming up, including a headline show at Windmill Brixton and touring with American Football. How does it feel to be performing in the UK for the first time and opening for such a respected band?

HELENA: It’s veryyy exciting. Going to the UK is bonkers. So many of our favorite bands were birthed there which is awesome.

MIKAELA: It feels so crazy that we are able to open for this band, espesh in the UK and that our shows are actually selling any tickets at all!

Opening for American Football is a significant opportunity. How did this collaboration come about, and what do you hope to learn or gain from touring with them?

HELENA: Opening for AF is mind-blowing. We played a few shows with them in the US and they were so fun and inspiring. Their crowds are also really attentive which is important to us.

STELLA: They are particularly fun to play with because I feel like they are kind of a band’s band- like a lot of their fans are diehard music nerds and appreciate intricate instrumentation in a cool way. I hope to gain more fans and friendships through touring with them.

Have you had the chance to interact with the members of American Football? If so, what was that experience like?

HELENA: We touched on this above, but yes we interacted with them on our little US tour a couple years ago. We were all kind of starstruck but they were super calm and kind and wildly supportive which meant a lot to us.

MIKAELA: They’re so nice and chill!

What are your goals for this tour, both in terms of personal growth and as a band?

HELENA: UK will be insane, I hope it goes well. I hope to tour a shit ton and write more exciting stuff.


If you could listen to one song again for the first time, what would it be?

HELENA: Mmm maybe “Mike Mills” by Air or “Burn the Witch” by Radiohead.

STELLA: Maybe randomly “The Suburbs” by Arcade Fire hahaha

MIKAELA: Right now I’m getting re-obsessed with this Alex G song “Immunity” off his new record.

What have you been listening to lately? Are there any particular sounds or artists you're loving right now?

HELENA: This Is Lorelei, Portishead, The Smile, Ween

STELLA: Lifeguard, Chanel Beads, Robber Robber, Pinback, Autolux

MIKAELA: Caribou, The Books, Big Black, Noriko Tujiko

Emita OX from Hello Mary is out 13 September via Frenchkiss Records and will be available on all major streaming platforms. Catch them in the UK at various dates this August and September, including support slots with American Football and a pair of London headline shows.


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