Interview: Band - Paradis

Paradis by Michael Williams

As PARADIS gears up to unleash their highly anticipated self-titled debut EP on 20 September, the London-based metalcore quintet is poised to make waves with their intense new release. Featuring explosive riffs, powerful vocals, and a fusion of metal and synth elements, the EP is set to establish the band’s presence in the scene. 

In our chat with PARADIS, we delve into the creative process behind the EP, the inspirations driving their music, and how being a diverse group has shaped their sound. We also explore their recent experiences in the vibrant London metal scene and their plans for the future.

Your debut EP is just around the corner. How does it feel to finally have your self-titled release out in the world, and what do you hope listeners take away from it?

It feels pretty damn good, we worked so hard getting it all together and to see it all finally paying off is the best reward. We hope people feel the passion that we put into each track and that they come back for a second listen. 

"Walking Aberration" is your latest single – can you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind the track and what it represents for the band?

Walking Aberration is quite cathartic for us, the song is meant to shed away some negativity we had for old projects that unfortunately didn't work out, so we can pave our way forward in a more optimistic and productive way.

You’ve been compared to some big names in the metal scene like Parkway Drive and Architects. How do you feel about those comparisons, and how do you define your own sound within metalcore?

They have definitely been a big inspiration and what we would like to aspire to, we define ourselves by writing what we would want to listen to and adding in some twists and turns that the listeners may not expect.

Your debut EP is just around the corner. How does it feel to finally have your self-titled release out in the world, and what do you hope listeners take away from it?

It feels pretty damn good, we worked so hard getting it all together and to see it all finally paying off is the best reward. We hope people feel the passion that we put into each track and that they come back for a second listen. 

"Walking Aberration" is your latest single – can you tell us a bit about the inspiration behind the track and what it represents for the band?

Walking Aberration is quite cathartic for us, the song is meant to shed away some negativity we had for old projects that unfortunately didn't work out, so we can pave our way forward in a more optimistic and productive way.

You’ve been compared to some big names in the metal scene like Parkway Drive and Architects. How do you feel about those comparisons, and how do you define your own sound within metalcore?

They have definitely been a big inspiration and what we would like to aspire to, we define ourselves by writing what we would want to listen to and adding in some twists and turns that the listeners may not expect.

PARADIS is still in its early stages, but you’ve already built a strong reputation. What have been some of the biggest challenges and highlights for you so far?

Getting the project out of the early stages and into a legitimate band is always a challenge in every single band we have all ever played in, then maintaining the momentum and commitment consistently really tests you and your resolve to play in a band. Luckily we are firm in our desire to make this work.

Looking ahead, what are your plans after the EP release? Are there any tours or future projects fans should be excited about?

We are already hard at work writing our next EP and have started filling out our calendar for plans next year, a few things I can't share just yet.

Finally, what have you been listening to lately? Any new or old favourites that have been on repeat?

Thanks for having us, big favourite right now is Imminence's newest album The Black, it's an heavy dramatic masterpiece, full of solid metalcore and violin.

Paradis’s self-titled EP is out on 20 September and will be available for streaming on all your favourite platforms.


Interview: LASTELLE