Unburier - ‘Nebulous’ review


Somerset thrashers Unburier's new EP Nebulous is new ground for us. But with an independent band like this, we couldn't resist getting our teeth into it. Only three years into their journey, Unburier have stormed through sets at Bloodstock, Incineration, and on tours with Tortured Demon & Party Canon. Nebulous drops on 23 February, here's what we thought:

‘Over The Worlds They Create’ absolutely cleans house as a way to open the EP. This introduction works just as well as some death metal veterans best tracks. Uther Latimer Sayers is a hurricane on the drums throughout this 5-minute track. Vocal work from Ben Champion but also backed by Blake Hibberd has so much polish. They also combine for excellent stints on guitar, with the solo in the latter half being a particular highlight. With music as heavy as this, sounds can blur together, but this is clean, distinct, and very well worked. Personally, it's very satisfying when songs on an EP blend together. This is why 'Harmonious Absolutes' is a great choice to continue an assault of an EP. Save for the actual fading out at the end of 'Over The Worlds', these two feed into each other very well. A very heavy element of Nebulous is also the insistence on there being a narrative. Unburier do this well, which is commendable considering how technical their sound is. Lyrically they pack a lot in, with hallmarks of dread, mortality and other worlds, but without doing too much with it. It's balance like this that puts them on level with bands that championed the genre like Death themselves in the earlier years.

'The Voidflare' was a personal highlight on the EP. It shows Unburier going from strength to strength both in the EP and against their previous work. This feels like a third act, somewhat combining pieces from the previous two tracks. It also plays slower, the moments when the guitar rings out almost feeling like coming up for air. It distinguishes it from the other tracks in pacing, but also emphasises Ben's vocals a lot in a simple way. It comes to a head beautifully at the end of the track, with duelling vocals and some relentless drumming from Uther. The final track, '618' has been featured live at recent shows, and it serves as a cap on the narrative Unburier have been on. As a nod to old-school death metal, it has the measures just right. Lyrically, "Watch as it eats the solar system" sounds like a hard sell. The excellent thing about Death Metal is the suspension of disbelief and the way it tells just as much story as your Folk or Power metal genres. Better still, Unburier are excellent at it. '618' feels like "going for broke" as a way to end the EP. It ends on just as hard a note as it began, very technical, and an excellent pace. 

Nebulous, as a 4 track EP, is pretty ceaseless. Unburier don't let up and the best part about that is none of it is lost when they translate it to a live show. At the time of writing, they have added bassist Stan Mitchell and blistered through a set supporting the iconic Evile at their hometown show. The independent death metal scene nowadays feels like a bit of a revolving door. But Unburier has been an excellent constant in the short time they've been on the scene. The best thing they have going for them is the throwback vibe they have, built on top of some very original material. Those looking for a tale of cosmic horror over the of some great musicianship, pick up or stream Nebulous.

Nebulous from Unburier is out on 23 February and available on all good streaming platforms.


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