Burn It Down Festival preview

It might be September but festival season is far from over in the UK. This Friday and Saturday the crowds descend on Cornwall for Burn It Down Festival.

Burn It Down might be relatively new on the UK festival circuit but it has already become the South West’s largest indoor festival.

This year’s Burn It Down has an absolutely banging line featuring some of our absolute favourites here at The Scene including Lake Malice, The Guru Guru and Continents. Below you will find our picks for the day festival.

Friday 8 September

Our pick of the day for the Apple & Parrot stage - The Guru Guru pic by Eva Vlonk

Despite bands only starting at 3 PM on the Friday of Burn It Down the lineup hits hard.

The Foundry stage features the likes of Heart Of A Coward, Ithaca, and Heriot. But for us, the standout on Friday’s bill at The Foundry is KNIFE BRIDE who are sure to kill it in their 5:30 PM slot.

Over on the Apple & Parrot, you can find the likes of RXPTRS, Skin Failure, and Liquid State. But if there is one band not to be missed it’s Belgian art-rockers The Guru Guru who start at 8 PM. As we personally saw at ArcTanGent the band put on a super entertaining live show.

Saturday 9 September

If Friday’s line looked amazing things get even better on Saturday with the festival now stretched over three stages and starting from midday there is even more musical goodness to be had.

Over on The Foundry on Saturday you can find the likes of Lozeak, As Everything Unfolds, Dream State, and our pick for the day Lake Malice. The Anglo-Italian duo have gone from strength to strength this festival season and they are set to bring the party to Burn It Down in their 4:30 PM slot. As we saw at 2000trees, Lake Malice are on the cusp of greatness.

While on the Apple & Barrot stage, you can find HotWax, Forager, and cartoonhead.

The Attic boosts a stellar lineup featuring the likes of Desolated, Shooting Daggers, and Continents. The Welsh band have recently made a triumphant return to the UK alt-scene and their latest single LIFELINE showcases a new musical direction for the band. Their set starting at 6:15 PM is one not to miss.

Our pick for the day, Lake Malice on The Foundry Stage.

Listen to our festival playlist


Gigs: Spanish Love Songs at SWX, Bristol


Gigs: Shit Present at Heartbreakers, Southampton